Stage 1, 2 & 3 - Original Site Plans

Lagoons Estate Contour Map  VIEW PDF

Stage 1, 2 & 3 Original site plans  VIEW PDF

Estate Development Plans - Stage 1

Community Property Plan - Sheets 3 of 3 - Registered 28 August 2007  VIEW PDF

C04 Stage 1 Road & Building Locations  VIEW PDF

Detail Plan Stage 1A - Sheets 16 of 16 - Registered 01 February 2006  VIEW PDF

Detail Plan Stage 1B - Sheets 4 of 4 - Registered 20 June 2006  VIEW PDF

JSA Staging Plan - Stage 1 A01  VIEW PDF

JSA Staging Plan - Stage 1 A02  VIEW PDF

JSA Staging Plan - Stage 1 A03  VIEW PDF

S00 Location Plan Stage 1  VIEW PDF

Stage 1 TV Distribution System  VIEW PDF

Stage 1 Water Mains Location  VIEW PDF

Estate Development Plans - Stage 2

Community Property Plan - Sheets 5 of 5 - Registered 11 July 2008  VIEW PDF

Detail Plan Stage 2A - Sheets 1 to 6 of 7 - Registered 30 April 2007  VIEW PDF

Detail Plan Stage 2B - Sheets 7 of 7 - Registered 12 September 2007  VIEW PDF

200 Stage 2 Road & building Location Plan VIEW PDF

201 Stage 2 Road Setout Plan VIEW PDF

202 Stage 2 Road Long Sections  VIEW PDF

203 Stage 2 Road Long Sections 3  VIEW PDF

204 Stage 2 Road Long Sections  VIEW PDF

205 Stage 2 Road Cross Sections  VIEW PDF

206 Stage 2 Road Cross Sections  VIEW PDF

207 Stage 2 Road Cross Sections  VIEW PDF

208 Stage 2 Road Cross Sections  VIEW PDF

209 Stage 2 Road Cross Sections  VIEW PDF

210 Stage 2 - Road Cross Sections  VIEW PDF

211 Stage 2 - Bulk Earthworks Plan  VIEW PDF

212 Stage 2 - Bulk Earthworks Plan  VIEW PDF

213 Stage 2 - Bulk Earthworks Plan  VIEW PDF

214 Stage 2 - Retaining Wall Sections  VIEW PDF

215 Stage 2 - Retaining Wall Details Type E Units  VIEW PDF

216 Stage 2 - Retaining Wall Details  VIEW PDF

221 Stage 2 - Infiltration Plan Sheet 1  VIEW PDF

222 Stage 2 - Infiltration Plan Sheet 2  VIEW PDF

Stage 2 - A Surveyed Unit Locations  VIEW PDF

Stage 2 - B Surveyed Unit Heights  VIEW PDF

Stage 2 - Overall site Plans H01 & H02  VIEW PDF

Estate Development Plans - Stage 3 - Defunct

Civil - Stage 3 - Plan  VIEW PDF

Civil - Stage 3 - Road Drawings Cross Section Lagoons 1  VIEW PDF

Civil - Stage 3 - Road Drawings Cross  Section Lagoons 2  VIEW PDF

Civil - Stage 3 - Road Drawings Cross  Section Lomandra  VIEW PDF

Civil - Stage 3 - Road Drawings Long Section Lagoons  VIEW PDF

Civil - Stage 3 - Road Drawings Long Section Lomandra  VIEW PDF

Civil - Stage 3 - Road Drawings Road Returns  VIEW PDF

Coeve Drgs - A01-A Stage 3 Tree Clearance Plan  VIEW PDF

Coeve Drgs - A02-D Stage 3 Site Plan  VIEW PDF

Coeve Drgs - A02-F Stage 3 Site Plan  VIEW PDF

Coeve Drgs - Stage 3 Trees Survey  VIEW PDF

E04 Stage 3 Pillars, Street Lights, MATV  VIEW PDF

Early Works - Stage 3 Early Works/Site Clearance Const Cert  VIEW PDF

Early Works - Stage 3 Notice to Commence  VIEW PDF

Hydraulics - H-01 Stage 3 Water Supply  VIEW PDF

Hydraulics - H-02 Stage 3 Sanitary Drainage  VIEW PDF

Landscaping - LP02 Stage 3 Landscape CC Plan - Area 2  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Cross Section Lagoons 1  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Cross Section Lagoons 2  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Cross Section Lomandra  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Curb Returns  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Long Section Lagoons  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Long Section Lomandra  VIEW PDF

Roads - Stage 3 Road Drawings Plan  VIEW PDF

Setout Details of Units - Stage 3  VIEW PDF

Wick System

12/01/2016 - EES Wick Monitoring Report  VIEW PDF

15/07/2010 - EES Wicks Monitoring Report  VIEW PDF

15/07/2009 - EES Wick Monitoring Report  VIEW PDF

12/2006 - Design & Implementation of Wick System  VIEW PDF

3/10/2006 - EES Summary of Stormwater Monitoring  VIEW PDF

08/11/2005 - EES Wick System Maint Mgt Plan  VIEW PDF

Drawings - 3/10/2006 - EES Location of Wick Drainage System  VIEW PDF

Drawings - 7/02/2005 - EES Wick Conceptual Layour Fig 5  VIEW PDF

Drawings - 7/02/2005 - EES Wick Inlet Design Fig 2  VIEW PDF

Drawings - 7/02/2005 - EES Wick Inlet Design Fig 3  VIEW PDF

Drawings - 7/10/2004 - Wicks Drainage Area Plan  VIEW PDF

Wick System Construction 2003 - Photographs