What do members of the Executive Committee do?
Owners are encouraged to contribute to the management of the estate by nominating for the Executive Committee (EC). We are able to keep our fees low because the EC in Lagoons Estate is very proactive in its management.
When nominating for the EC owners should consider the following:
- Do they either reside on the estate or spend a significant amount of time here so they are aware of issues as they arise?
- Are they readily available for other owners and residents to approach with their issues or concerns regarding the management of the Estate?
- Will they be available to attend ad-hoc discussions with contractors, government agencies and other EC members and also attend formal EC meetings on a regular basis?
- Are they willing to liaise with tenants and owners to ensure that they understand and comply with the By-Laws?
- Are they willing to liaise with managing agents and owners to ensure property standards are maintained?
- Are they willing to assist in the management of the estate by liaising with regulatory agencies and contractors when required?
- Are they will to carry out special projects that may require many hours of research and discussions with subject matter expects? For example: EC members have recently completed two major projects The Architectural Exterior Paint Colours Standard and The Identification of Sewer Line Inspection Ports Replacement Program. These projects involved days of research, investigations, discussions, lengthy site meetings and we finally have now completed these two major projects.
Other areas that the EC members are actively involved in are:
- Review of Owners requests for changes or variations to the Architectural and Landscaping Standards.
- Maintenance of sewage pits and their pumps during 3 monthly servicing and/or when failures occur.
- Maintenance of street lighting (ie cleaning and bulb replacement) and/or when failures occur with street lighting and/or electrical distribution.
- Identifying trees that require lopping and/or removal, obtaining Port Stephens Council approval and ensuring that the work is carried out satisfactorily.
- Maintenance/repair of TV antenna and TV signal distribution equipment liaising with contractor and ensuring that the work is carried out satisfactorily.
- Maintenance, repair and installation of spear pumps and irrigation systems liaising with contractor and ensuring that the work is carried out satisfactorily.
- Clearing of fire breaks, liaising with Crown Lands, County Fire Authority and local Fire Brigade.
- Delivery of Sewage and Water services liaising with Hunter Water.
- Bulk waste collection and dumping outside estate liaising with Port Stephens Council.
- Work Health and Safety previously called Occupational Health and Safety liaising with Workcover NSW.
The EC members also appoint the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
from among their number and their specific powers and duties are detailed at www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au - Executive committee of the owners corporation.