EC Reports - 2023

EC Report 180 - Front Gates & Pump Station Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 179 - Pump Station Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 178 - General Meeting Motions VIEW PDF

EC Report 177 - Impromptu EC Meeting VIEW PDF

EC Report 176 - Emergency Pump & Agreement VIEW PDF

EC Report 175 - Insurance Renewal VIEW PDF

EC Report 174 - Draft Agreement EC and PSC VIEW PDF

EC Report 173 - Draft Stormwater Agreement PSC-LECA VIEW PDF

EC Report 172 - Tennis Court & Pool Areas VIEW PDF

EC Reports - 2022

EC Report 171 - Pool Remedial Work Status 2 VIEW PDF

EC Report 170 - Pool Remedial Work Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 169 - Xmas Cheer VIEW PDF

EC Report 168 - Warning Attempted Burglary VIEW PDF

EC Report 167 - Status Recreational Areas VIEW PDF

EC Report 166 - Status North & South Sewer Staging Pits VIEW PDF

EC Report 165 - Community Centre Nears Completion VIEW PDF

EC Report 164 - Tennis Court Reopens VIEW PDF

EC Report 163 - Status Remedial Work Issues VIEW PDF

EC Report 162 - Status Outstanding Issues VIEW PDF

EC Report 161 - Status Insurance Remedial Work VIEW PDF

EC Report 160 - Power Outage VIEW PDF

EC Report 159 - Emergency Pumpout Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 158 - Emergency Pumpout VIEW PDF

EC Report 157 - Emergency Bulletin Emergency Pump VIEW PDF

EC Report 156 - Emergency Pump & Lagoons Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 155 - Emergency TV Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Report 154 - Emergency Bulletin TV Outage VIEW PDF

EC Report 153 - Emergency Bulletin Standby Pump VIEW PDF

EC Report 152 - Emergency Bulletin Standby Pump VIEW PDF

EC Report 151 - Garden Maintenance Contract VIEW PDF

EC Report 150 - Q&A Owners EC Discussion VIEW PDF

EC Report 149 - Trees Hedges Parking VIEW PDF

EC Report 148 - Q&A Owners EC Discussion VIEW PDF

EC Report 147 - Status Insurance Claims VIEW PDF

EC Report 146 - General Information VIEW PDF

EC Report 145 - Status Lagoon Level VIEW PDF

EC Report 144 - Standby High Volume Pump VIEW PDF

EC Report 143 - Emergency Insurance Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Report 142 - Status Insurance Claims VIEW PDF

EC Report 141 - Emergency Insurance Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Reports - 2021

EC Report 140 - Pool Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 139 - PSC-EC agreement VIEW PDF

EC Report 138 - Notice to Owners VIEW PDF

EC Report 137 - Status Insurance Claims VIEW PDF

EC Report 136 - Status Insurance Claims VIEW PDF

EC Report 135 - Status Insurance Claims VIEW PDF

EC Report 134 - Lot 114 severed from DP270468 VIEW PDF

EC Report 133 - Status PSC Stormwater Claims VIEW PDF

EC Report 132 - Levy Notice Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 131 - Information Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Report 130 - EC Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Report 129 - Information Bulletin Lagoon Pump out VIEW PDF

EC Report 128 - Lot 114 Severed from DP270456 VIEW PDF

EC Report 127 - Pump Out Lagoon VIEW PDF

EC Report 126 - Information Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Report 125 - Information Bulletin VIEW PDF

EC Report 124 - SGM Meeting VIEW PDF

EC Report 123 - Status Flooding Lagoons Estate VIEW PDF

EC Report 122 - LE Flooding Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 121 - LE Flooding Status VIEW PDF

EC Report 120 - Status Severance Agreement VIEW PDF

EC Report 119 - Latest Status Severance Lot 114 VIEW PDF

EC Reports - 2020

EC Report 118 - Pool Opening VIEW PDF

EC Report 117 - Information Report to owners Mediation Mtg VIEW PDF

EC Report 116 - PSC Stormwater Improvement Project VIEW PDF

EC Report 115 - Notice to Produce for Inspection Legal Staus VIEW PDF

EC Report 114 - Pool Opening VIEW PDF

EC Report 113 - SGM 5 Aug 2020 VIEW PDF

EC Report 112 - PSC Drainage System Upgrade Master VIEW PDF

EC Report 111 - SGM Vote to owners appeal VIEW PDF

EC Report 110 - Hunter Water Charges VIEW PDF

EC Report 109 - Hunter Water New Charge Procedures VIEW PDF

EC Report 108 - NCAT Appeal Against Decision VIEW PDF

EC Report 107 - The Way Forward VIEW PDF

EC Report 106 - Update on Supreme Court Case VIEW PDF

EC Report 105 - Severance agreement VIEW PDF

EC Report 104 - Severance Lot 114 from DP270468 Severance Negotiations VIEW PDF

EC Report 103 - DV 2nd Off 4 May 2020 CA Rej & Counter offer VIEW PDF

EC Report 102 - Status NCAT Case VIEW PDF

EC Report 101 - Status Supreme Court Severance case VIEW PDF

EC Report 100 - DV Gift of Land Offers VIEW PDF

EC Report 99 - Baby Wipes down Toilet VIEW PDF

EC Report 98 - Cancellation 8 April Owners Forum VIEW PDF

EC Report 97 - DV v CA severance VIEW PDF

EC Report 96 - EC Changes VIEW PDF

EC Report 95 - Supreme Court Hearing Severance VIEW PDF

EC Report 94 - Open Letter to Owners VIEW PDF

EC Reports - 2019

EC Report 93 - Legal Proceedings Lot 114 - Application to sever - VIEW PDF

EC Report 92 - Legal Proceedings and General updates. - VIEW PDF

Special EC Report - MATV System outage - dated 09/12/2019 - VIEW PDF

EC Report 91 - Legal Proceedings, PSC & success before the NCAT - VIEW PDF

EC Report 90 (numbering error) - Legal Proceedings, NCAT, General News - VIEW PDF

EC Report 89 - MATV background Lagoons Estate - View PDF

EC Report 88 - MATV System Outage - VIEW PDF

EC Report 87 - Power Restored Bulletin - VIEW PDF

EC Report 86 - Special Power Outage - VIEW PDF

EC Report 85 - Legal Proceedings, PSC, Lot 114 - VIEW PDF

EC Report 84 - Special Bulletin T.V Disruption - VIEW PDF

EC Report 83 - Street Lights (2) - VIEW PDF

EC Report 82 - Street Lights - VIEW PDF

EC Report 81 - Duplicate Error.

EC Report 80 - NCAT Lagoons Estate Vs Owners of Lot 114 - VIEW PDF

EC Report 79 - Special Bulletin T.V - VIEW PDF

EC Report 78 - General Report - VIEW PDF

EC Report 77 - 2018/19 Budget VIEW PDF